5 tips for mums with boys and how become a happier mum

Apr 22, 2015
How to be a happier mother? This question makes all of us to think about not once. All the time you feel sleepy, tired, out of time and never have that moment to relax. Here I want to share my top 5 tips that help me feel great with my toddler and enjoy motherhood life.

Every child is different, and we can´t firmly say that if you have a girl, you have more time for yourself, than when you have a boy, but during my almost 2 years of experience as a mum of a boy and I can tell you that the way you look at them it is very different, even how you play, talk and make things together. Boys prefer more outside activities like run, play football, skip, jump nor inside activities which require their attention. That is why Ishare with you my top 5 tips as a mother of a boy:

Tip 1: Run or practice sport... I know, you will say you don´t have enough time for practicing sport, me neither... but half an hour in 2 days is more than enough to practice sport and feel better. Is it possible for you? For me is just perfect. I began to run very few time ago, so I am not a really good runner, but I understand that I feel better, and I have more energy to dedicate to my toddler and to play with him with a ball, or any of outside aactivities that he needs.

Tip 2: Sleep, sleep and sleep whenever you have the opportunity. When I do not sleep enough I feel tired, I don´t want to run, I do not want to play with my kid, and I do not want to do anything.

Tip 3: Wake up early. Being a working mum I know the difference. I love the days when I have to go to work...wierd...but it is true, as I wake up early in the morning to take a shower, make up, drink my coffee in silence, and have a nice breakfast. Because, when I am off and I lie in the bed till my toddler wake me up, I don´t have these 30-40 minutes for me, neither the time to be a really pretty mum.

Tip 4: Read... Fortunately, I have my Kindle, and I have my 30 minutes to go on subway while I get to and back from my work and I have this time for reading a book and learning something new. I read all kinds of books, but I prioritize the books, which make me grow intellectualy. It is up to you what do you read, it can be a magazine, but READ something. You develop your vocabulary, what I think you stop doing once finished school, college or university.

Tip 5: Talk to your boy. Boys are a special kind of humans that they do not want to talk too much, and they are not the humans who share their feelings, but think about it, and ask yourself. Do you want to know what happens in his mind and how he feels? If he will see in you a good listener and see that you are ready to speak with him about anything, obviously when he will grow up he won´t forgive to make a call to you.

I hope you find these tips usefull.

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